Welcome to the links page. I will update from time to time when I find things of interest
Personal Sites of Interest
If Subbuteo is your passion, here is a wealth of information on the game we all love.
A great read on all things Subbuteo.
The Table Football Monthly YouTube channel, well worth watching loads of great information on Subbuteo, and other table football games. Product tests, interviews, and much much more.
A forum dedicated to anything Subbuteo
A Link to the Westwood Solo Subbuteo Facebook Page.
Replica Heavyweights, and Stefan Corda 2K4 figures, bases, discs, and presentation boxes all ready for you to paint.
From Decals to Box Sets it's all there.
An Italian site offering all manner of equipment and deliver worldwide.
Online sources of Subbuteo and football of general interest.
An Online version of Subbuteo rules found in the modern sets.
A site showing kits throughout the ages of most of the English and Scottish sides from the 19th Century until the most recent.
Find results, tables, and more from any date in history in the English leagues since 1889
An Online fixture creator for your solo league, create the fixtures and generate the league tables, add divisions, cup compettitions all in one place.