
Showing posts from March, 2022

Solo Leagues, Is Bigger Better?

  Over a period of time I’ve had discussions with fellow solo players about managing a S olo L eague. Some want full realistic leagues, then realise they can’t play all the games some are happy to use some form of simulation to help play out the league to it’s conclusion. Others go down the Fantasy route with fictitious teams. There are many other ways you can set things up, from the teams involved to the size of the league, but the biggest concern you will always have is how much time will it take to complete it. I touched on this subject a few months ago but I thought now might be a good time to revisit the subject and maybe go into a little more detail, than perhaps I did previously. From a personal point of view Solo Play should be just that. One sets things up, then play out the games in real time. No simulation every result is decided on the baize. For me that is S olo play. You may disagree here, and at the end of the day you will always go the rou