Offside Clear and Obvious?

The Offside rule can be controversial on a football pitch, you’ve only got to see the amount of matches where VAR has ruled heels, toes, etc. offside, but that is another story. in fact the offside rule is quite straightforward, look at the Fifa rules, and offside covers all 4 sections (position, offence, no offence, and sanctions), on 3 pages clearly defined so officials may make a judgement. So why does the Fistf offside rule (to me at least), seem so complicated, I fail to see the logic behind some of the rules in section 13, (of the Fistf rules), and trying to integrate them into a solo game for me just adds confusion. Take a look back to the 60’s or 70’s, even the 80’s Subbuteo rules and life was much simpler. An attacker further forward than the last defender was in an offside position. You couldn’t be offside outside of the opponents area, and the last defender had to be inside their area to claim offside against an attacker. If there was no defender inside their ow...