Some Thoughts On Home Advantage

I’ve just completed another season of my Solo League. Two 8 team divisions, with promotion, relegation, play-offs, a cup competition, as well as a non league element for good measure. 144 games all played throughout the actual football season. All played without any form of advantage, except in some cup games which I’ll touch on later. I’ ve posted in the past about a system, that I worked on with Phil Marsden the owner of the Alive and Flicking Facebook group for assessing, and applying an advantage to each game without changing any in - match rules. A system he seemed to be satisfied with at the time, as it went some way to suiting his immediate needs. He’s now looking to expand on the system in other ways, and I wish him, and anyone else that is looking to add such things into their solo games luck in formulating a system th at suits them . I however have no intention personally to add such things into my League, or any other league competitions I run, and...