Substitutes and Injuries

Is it really necessary to introduce substitutes into solo play, i s the introduction of another small plastic figure going to change the game, and how many of us have extra outfield players in our teams to do such a thing in the first place. Lets face it the when our little folk get injured it’s usually fairly terminal and needs hospitalisation to graft it’s broken limbs back onto the player or the base and this has the possibility of mak ing them look like a casualty from the Battle of the Somme. If this happens in a match we may be able to patch it up quickly with Blu Tack but it’s hardly a long term solution. For me t hese days it’s rare for such things to happen, but if a player end s up on the floor the clock is stopped and the player is located before it’s trodden to death, or my dog decides to eat the poor guy. Many a time a player is found hiding under a piece of furniture obviously aware of the threat of being eaten alive, they all seem to ...