Old Dogs, New Tricks

I remember being told many moons ago, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, which to a certain extent is true, but recently after talking to a few “Old Dogs”, that saying has been turned on it’s head. I’ve always maintained that no matter what ideas we have about playing Subbuteo in a solo format, you won’t be the first to think of them nor will you be the last. That statement was proved a few weeks ago, after a chance meeting with an older guy by the name of Ron who lives not far from me. I found out that he and a few of his mates meet up on a Sunday afternoon for a flick about, Nothing serious he hastened to add, a bit of fun, a lot of banter and nostalgia. He also invited me round for a game or two, he said “I’ll drop our rules around sometime during the week”. I was about to tell him where I lived, when he interrupted and said I know, I’ve known your wife since she was at school. Apparently she was good friends with his younger sister, and he had intended to call arou...