So Who Scored Then?

If you play solo, and to be honest why would you be here if you didn’t. I would imagine a good percentage of you keep records of matches you play, and the record keeping can be as simple or as complex as one deems necessary. If you’re in the habit of giving the little f olk names, the chances are you’ll at least want to know who scored. One could simply number each player and make a note of the number, and who it relates to on the team sheet, y ou can even buy decals that can be attached to players for this purpose. I must admit I’m not a fan of this method and don't bother, mainly because it can be slower to set up after a goal, especially if you’re putting each player back into position, or sorting things out at a goal kick. Alternately So there has to be a better way, one that doesn’t rely on numbering players, and placing them in the right position on the field. There’s probably many other ways, and I probably don’t know half of them. Wha...