The Christmas Day Massacre

Some historical facts fade into obscurity, without being or even waiting to be discovered, others are well documented and can be scrutinised to ascertain their validity. What I’m about to portray is an obscure piece of history but based on eye witness accounts, and my own recollections of an event, as having lived through that traumatic time, and lived to tell the tale. The event Christmas day 1969. I have in a previous article recounted some of the events which shaped that day, of which I feel I will quickly recap to set the tone of how the day began, before delving more deeply to what happened later that day. Christmas ‘69 The day began, like Christmas day should, I as a 9-year-old boy, awoke early, having little sleep, due to the excitement that children around that age frequently experience at that time of year. I was now the proud owner of a Subbuteo Set, not quite the edition I hoped for, but still overjoyed none the less. My parents weren’t...