
Showing posts from October, 2024

Back To The Future

How many solo players reset the play during games, better known to many I would imagine as a back. I’ve heard many misconceptions and misinterpretations from players, ranging from backs are only used in Competition and Tournaments, to that they never appeared in the Subbuteo rules until the 80’s. Surprisingly You may already know or you may be surprised to learn that the “back” has been part of the game since the 40’s, it was used as a way to stop deliberate fouls by the defence when using whatever blocking rule was in use at any particular time. Whether it was intentionally included to curb deliberate fouls I have no idea. But if not it certainly goes some way to addressing that possibility. During the late 40’s and early 50’s when only two blocks were allowed, any defensive misdemeanor had the ball replaced to the attackers advantage. Later as we enter into the 60’s when blocking flicks were allowed in blocks of 3, saw the inclusion of reset...