
Showing posts from May, 2024

So, You’ve Decided to Play Solo

Solo Subbuteo is a very broad church, it is full of different methods, ideas, and is solely dependent upon an individual’s perceptions, aims, and goals. You can’t teach the solo game as such, or give out a definitive set of rules, you can only offer advice from one’s own experience and ideals. I’ve even offered my own rules since I began this blog, to give an idea of my own thought process. They are in no way an authoritative set, and can be found on the downloads page of this blog. They are simply the set I use, and show how I go about my business, if you have a need, please feel free to use them in any way you see fit. That’s one of the endearing things about the solo game, it can be whatever you want it to be, and as simple or as complex as you want to make it. We can only share with each other those ideas we have found to work, but it’s up to you whether you feel those ideas are relevant to you as an individual, or the narrative you set yourse...

The Dark Art Of Polishing

Firstly apologies for such a long time between posts, I’ve had a few personal things to attend to over the last few months which have prevented me from being as active and engaging with the game as I had planned for. That’s behind me now and I’ve started up my solo league again, after almost a season away. So without further ado lets get into this. The Italian’s? It’s well documented in certain quarters that the polishing of bases was down to the Italians in the late 70’s early 80’s, but I’m about to blow that myth out of the water, and say polishing of bases was down to one teenage lad from the West Midlands in the early 70’s. Dave Harris, a couple of years older than myself was a lad who tried everything to gain an advantage on the table. His playing abilities were average at best, but that didn’t stop him trying to discover ways to make Subbuteo heavyweight figures glide along the pitch and in his words, “Wipe that smug look off th...