Redressing The Balance

Tactics is the term used to describe the strategies and manoeuvres one uses to outwit an opponent to gain an advantage, we see this all the time in various things especially in sport. Obviously the tactics employed are constrained somewhat by the rules of the game. Picking up the ball and running like Usain Bolt might be a great tactic in rugby, but a referee may not quite agree with that sentiment if it occurred with in the context of a football match. As this blog is about solo play how do tactics play their part when in effect trying to outwit an opponent is basically saying you’re trying to outwit yourself, I’m sure you’ll agree that’s not an easy thing to accomplish. As an afterthought if it was possible to split your brain in half, one half for each team would that make you a halfwit, or playing under floodlights make you a dimwit. Seriously though, most solo players I know including mysel f include rules in solo play that try to redress the ba...