Regrouping the Defence

When it comes to solo rules, we often diminish the use of blocking flicks for the sake of allowing games to flow a little better, as well as simplifying the need to be constantly counting the flicks taken when continuous flicks are not employed. I for one addressed this by only allowing blocks before a shot under most circumstances, plus any offside blocks can be used as blocks providing that they are contained within the defensive half. But what happens after a corner or a direct free kick, and the defence come away with the ball, or a shot is saved and the defence take possession. A wall after a direct free kick is left in situ, likewise a corner, if the defence come away with the ball, I must be honest at this point and say it’s doesn’t bother me that much, mainly because of other rules I have in place, like no offsides from set pieces in the area, and making free kicks in the area indirect because of my offside rule. Now not everyone plays to my quirky rules, a...