Back To Basics

Having just finished my second solo season, I’ve had a little time to reflect on how it all went, did the rule changes achieve their aims. On the whole yes, the modified blocking rules allowed the games to flow, and helped reduce the average goals per game to somewhere between 3 and 4, the free hit rule allowed the odd unopposed shot, and the simplified offside rule negates constant monitoring. So all in all I’m a happy bunny. But one thing was and still is bugging me, how to set up at goal kicks. So What’s The Problem As solo players most of us try to keep away from setting up for goal kicks with the 7 defenders spread across the shooting line and 3 wee fellas hovering around between the shooting areas, it doesn’t seem real, and adds nothing to enhance our furtive imaginations, or make each game somewhat different from the last. Even so my games started to feel the same when setting the field for goal kicks, I wasn’t using the 7-3 style, bu...